all roles | Paid Feature
The account activity panel helps you visualize how you are spending your time at your company. You can view worked hours by employees, projects, clients, and services and choose a pre-defined time period or select custom dates to analyze any period of time.
At the top, you will find the Summary. It will display the total amount of logged and scheduled hours, as well as total cost and amount of days off requested by your employees, for the selected period of time.
📝 Use the date range picker to change the time period that you want to analyze.
Account activity
These charts will show you how your employees allocate their time across projects, clients and services. It will also display graphics with details on total hours worked and scheduled hours.
Total activity
Each line on the graphic will represent a period of time worked, according to the selected view. For example, on a daily view, one bar will represent one work day.
Worked and Scheduled hours will be told apart in colours.
Worked hours by users
This chart shows you the pulse of your company. You can see the total hours worked per day, grouped by user, while the trend line shows the total company time worked per day.
Worked hours by projects
This chart shows you how time is distributed across your active projects. This is great for service-oriented companies that work on many projects for different clients.
Worked hours by clients
This chart shows you how your company's time is distributed across the different clients you served, during the selected time period.
💡 Use this data to make informed decisions when allocating resources to your clients.
Worked hours by services
Services help you categorize your projects. This chart shows you how time is distributed across the services your company offers.
Let's say you're a digital agency offering web design, content marketing, and app development services. You can set those services in TrackingTime and associate them with your projects!
💡 Hover your mouse over a chart line to display more details.
Projects, clients, and services overview
This visualization shows you an overview of all your active projects, clients you’re currently working for, as well as a breakdown of the services you’re offering to them.
You can see the total amount of hours worked for each specific client, service, and project.
💡 Hover your mouse over a chart line to display more details.
User comparison chart
This chart allows you to easily compare the total work hours by each active user in your team, in the selected time period.
You'll also get insights on amount of scheduled hours and requested time off by the employee.
💡 Hover with your mouse over a user column to show more details.
Company overview
The company overview shows you stats about your team’s work.
Worked vs Expected hours: The amount of hours worked by the employee against the total amount of hours that they should have worked, for the time period selected, according to their work schedules.
Scheduled Hours: The total number of scheduled hours by the employee during the selected time period
Total: The total number of hours worked by the employee during the selected time period.
Cost: Total cost of the employee, for the selected time period.
Clock in / clock out: The average beginning and end of work time. For example, you can say that people usually start working at 10:15 am and leave the office at about 05:35 pm.
Time Off: the amount of holiday days and time off the employee has taken.
Work Schedule: name of the Work Schedule the employee is assigned to, if any.
💡 Use filters to only visualize data of certain employees or work schedule assignees.
User overview
Click on a user line to open a User report, for the selected time period.
This report will allow you to analyze how a person distributes their time during the day, what projects and tasks they have been working on, when and for how long.
Find an overview of billable and already billed hours, for the selected time period.
💡 Use the shortcut to quickly go visualize your invoices.
Time off
Find an overview of approved, pending and rejected time off requests, for the selected time period.
💡 Use the shortcut to quickly go visualize your Time off requests.
Custom Fields
Create a widget with information and hour statistics on an existing Custom Field from your workspace.
Export the Dashboard report
In the header right controls, you’ll find all exporting options available for this report:
Timesheet: This option will give you access to a detailed timesheet report with filtered information on the selected time period.
Online Report: You can further customize after exporting and easily share your Dashboard reports online, with a link.
PDF: This option will download the Dashboard report into a PDF file.
CSV: This option will download the Dashboard report into a CSV file.
Excel: This option will download the Dashboard report into a XLSX file.
Invoice: This option will open an invoice template in a new tab, with pre-filled information on the selected report and time period.