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Project Files View

Visualize all attachments added to your projects, tasks and comments.

Anto Sarmiento avatar
Written by Anto Sarmiento
Updated over a week ago


The files view lets you envision all the project's files, in one place. You'll be able to see all attachments that have been added to the tasks and comments, on the selected project.

Files view

Roles: All roles | Free feature

How to display the files view:

Simply click on "Files" after opening your project.

Available display options

  • Visualize all attachments in List mode:

  • Visualize small image previews of your files with the Thumbnail mode:

Available actions

Hover over the 3 dots menu to visualize all available actions.

You'll be able to:

  • Open the file to visualize it in full screen.

  • Go to the task in which the file was added.

  • Download the file to your computer.

  • Remove file from task or comment.

How to locate the 3 dots menu:

  • In List mode:

  • In Thumbnail mode:

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