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Profile & Settings

How to change your user name, picture, password, email address and more.

Anto Sarmiento avatar
Written by Anto Sarmiento
Updated over a week ago


The profile section is divided into:

  • Profile settings: at the top of the main pane you can update personal data such as name, last name, email and profile picture.

  • User settings: at the bottom of the main pane, you can update your workspace preferences like language, date format and time display.

Edit your user profile

Roles: all roles | All Plans

How to edit your user profile:

  1. In the name field, enter your first name

  2. In the last name field, enter your family name

  3. In the email field, enter a valid email address for your account. You’ll use this to sign in and also to receive notifications and important updates from TrackingTime.

  4. Click on Save.

📝 Email addresses are unique within TrackingTime.

How to upload your profile picture:

  1. Click on the profile image.

  2. Select the file you want to use as your profile image. We support the standard image formats JPG, PNG and GIF.

  3. Click upload.

  4. Click on Save.

📝 We support Gravatar. If you have a Gravatar account under the same email address you used to sign up for your TrackingTime account, we’ll automatically pull your profile image from Gravatar.

Edit your user settings

Roles: all roles | All Plans

These are the settings that you can customize workspace-wide:

  • Language: Currently, we support English, German, Spanish, French, Polish, Korean, Portuguese, Italian, Czech and Romanian.

  • Start week on: Choose whether your weeks start on Sunday or Monday.

  • Time format: 12-hour clock (10:00pm) or 24-hour clock (22:00)

  • Time display: This specifies how you’d like to read time durations: HH:MM like 10:30:00 (10 hours, 30 minutes) or Decimal like 10.5 hours.

  • Number format: 1,234.5 (US) or 1.234,56 (Europe)

  • Date format: Following date formats are supported

    • MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. 04/25/2016 for April, 25 2016)

    • DD/MM/YYYY (e.g. 25/04/2016 for April, 25 2016)

    • YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2016-04-25 for April, 25 2016)

    • DD.MM.YYYY (e.g. 25.04.2016 for April, 25 2016)

    • YYYY.MM.DD (e.g. 2016.04.25 for April, 25 2016)

    • YYYY/MM/DD (e.g. 2016/04/25 for April, 25 2016)

⚠️ User settings will override the corresponding workspace settings.

💡 You can contact our Customer Support to request we consider adding any language currently not supported. In the meantime, you can try using Chrome's extension "web translator" to translate TrackingTime into your desired language!

Edit your workspace theme

Roles: all roles | All Plans

How to edit the appearance of your workspace:

  1. Click on your user icon, in the top right corner of your TrackingTime page.

  2. Under Appearance, choose from options: Light, Dark, and Auto modes.

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