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Import your projects

Learn how to import all your projects and tasks from a spreadsheet into TrackingTime.

Anto Sarmiento avatar
Written by Anto Sarmiento
Updated this week

Add projects, tasks and clients in bulk using the data import tool. You can easily import all your projects from a CSV file into TrackingTime following these steps below.

Import your projects into TrackingTime

  1. Go to the upper right corner menu and select Data Import. Make sure you click on “Import projects”.

  2. Copy and paste your projects list from your spreadsheets or upload a CSV file from your PC.

    When preparing your spreadsheet, consider the following:

    • The fields Task Name and Project Name are mandatory.

    • The user's email address will be used to assign the task. For unassigned tasks, you can leave the row empty, or you can write Everyone to assign the task to the entire team.

  3. Once you have imported your data, you'll need to match the columns to your spreadsheet.

  4. Make sure there's no missing or invalid information. The app will show you issues in red.

  5. Once you're all setup and there are no errors left, the button "Import" will appear.

  6. Click on "Import" to import all your projects displayed on screen.

💡 Use the Project Data Import tool to bulk import clients into TrackingTime.

Supported Parameters

The data import tool supports time entries with the following parameters or columns:

  • User email: the email address of the person who will be assigned to the project/task (e.g. Leave the row empty for unassigned tasks, or write "everyone" to assign the task to the entire team.

  • Task name (required): The task that will be imported, and it is associated with a project. (e.g. Task I)

  • Project name (required): The project that will be imported. (e.g. Project X)

  • Due date: task deadline (e.g. 15/08/2021)

  • Estimated time: # hours that the task is supposed to take. (e.g. 50)

  • Is billable: true or false.

  • Hourly rate: # value. (e.g. 15)

  • Client: projects can be associated to a client (e.g. ABC)

  • Service: projects can be associated to a service. (e.g. Consultancy)

We'll look in your account for all tasks, projects, clients, services and users specified in your CSV file. If they already exist, we'll associate the imported data to them. Otherwise, we'll first add them to your account and then associate the corresponding data to the newly created objects.

📝 Please, remember that adding new users may incur in a cost.

💡 The following file includes the necessary columns in order to import your time entries: CSV.

Supported Date Formats

We'll try to automatically identify the due date format of your timesheet. But you can also select the correct one in the Settings panel displayed on the to right corner of the screen. The following date formats are supported:

  • MM/DD/YYYY (e.g. 04/25/2016 for April, 25 2016)

  • DD/MM/YYYY (e.g. 25/04/2016 for April, 25 2016)

  • YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2016-04-25 for April, 25 2016)

  • DD.MM.YYYY (e.g. 25.04.2016 for April, 25 2016)

  • YYYY.MM.DD (e.g. 2016.04.25 for April, 25 2016)

  • YYYY/MM/DD (e.g. 2016/04/25 for April, 25 2016)

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