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Time Tracker Power-Up for Trello
Time Tracker Power-Up for Trello

Learn how to sync your accounts to track your time while working on your cards.

Carla avatar
Written by Carla
Updated over 5 months ago

With the Time Tracker Power-Up for Trello, you can easily track time spent on each Trello card, project, and board, directly in your Trello boards. This gives you a better understanding of how your team is managing their time and where you need to make improvements.


Trello preview

Add the Power-Up

Include the Time tracker power-up in your Trello boards to start tracking your time while working on your cards.

How to install the power-up:

  1. Open a Trello card.

  2. Click on “Add power-ups”

  3. Find the Time tracker by Tracking Time power-up

  4. Add the power up.

  5. Click on Settings.

  6. Edit power up settings.

  7. Log into your TrackingTime account

  8. Select the workspace where you’d like to track your time at and continue.

  9. Connect your Trello account.

Track time on your Trello Cards

With the integration set up, a TrackingTime section will appear on the cards with a play button you can click to start and stop the tracking. There you’ll find the time tracked so far on that card.

Once you start tracking your cards, you'll be able to keep tracking them in any of our apps:

Assign an estimated time

Write the estimated time for your task by clicking on "Add Estimated Time" on the TrackingTime bar. While tracking, you'll get a progress bar that will allow you not only to compare worked versus estimated hours, but also shows you how close your task is to its deadline.

Add time entries manually

In order to add a time entry, you can press the plus button on the TrackingTime section of your card, or click on “Add time entry” on the right panel. This way, you can set the start and end times, the duration, add some notes, and fill out custom fields (if you have created any for Hours on your workspace). You just need to click on Create once you are done.

Mark a task as completed

You can mark your task as completed from Trello by archiving the card when clicking on this action located on the right panel of your card.

View time reports for your Boards

Run reports of your Trello Boards and cards by visiting TrackingTime, opening the Projects section and selecting the board of interest. From there, you can filter by date range, export it, and run a Timesheet report too.

How automatic Sync works

The following project and task attributes will be automatically synced in TrackingTime when they are updated in Trello:

  • Board and Card names.

  • Board and Card statuses.

  • Board color.

  • Visibility: Only public boards will become visible in TrackingTime.

  • Deletion: When a task is deleted in Trello, it will be deleted in TrackingTime (but not the other way around).

Once your Trello tasks have been synced to TrackingTime, you'll be able to edit the listed attributes, while others will only remain editable in Trello and automatically synced to TrackingTime.

Attributes that you can edit in TrackingTime

  • Project and Task estimated time.

  • Task assignees.

  • Task priority.

  • Project and Task custom fields.

  • Subtasks.

  • Task comments.

  • Project hourly/fixed rate.

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