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Rates & Costs

Learn how to set up rates & costs for users and to create billable projects and tasks.

Anto Sarmiento avatar
Written by Anto Sarmiento
Updated over a week ago

Rates & Costs allows you to add hourly rate and fixed rate to your projects and tasks, and hourly rate and hourly cost to users. This can be useful for project billing, budgeting and payroll!

If you enable Costs & Rates you will have the ability to:

  • Add hourly rate and fixed rate to projects.

  • Add hourly rate to tasks and mark them as billable/non-billable.

  • Add hourly rate and hourly cost to users. By adding the hourly cost, you will be able to get their salaries.

  • See totals in your timesheets, Project and Dashboard reports.

Enable Rates & Costs

How to enable Rates & Costs:

  1. Go to Manage>Add-ons and click on Rates & Costs

  2. Enable the add-on.

⚠️ Please note that you need to be set up as an account administrator to activate and to use this feature. You can enable and disable Rates & Costs at any time, as required.

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