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Manage in-app and email notifications that help you stay on track.

Carla avatar
Written by Carla
Updated over 5 months ago

Notifications are triggered when something relevant happens in your account, e.g. when a new task has been assigned to you or someone left a comment in one of your tasks. We’ll also notify you when estimated times are exceeded, so that you can immediately take action.

To set up your notifications, go to the bottom corner menu > settings > notifications.

Desktop Notifications 

Desktop notifications are available as in-app notifications, browser notifications or native desktop notifications, depending on which of the TrackingTime apps you're using.

  • Notify me when I’m not tracking: A desktop / browser notification will appear every 30 minutes to remind you that you’re currently not tracking any tasks.

  • Notify me about what I’m tracking: A desktop / browser notification will appear every 30 minutes while you’re actively tracking a task to make sure you’re tracking the correct task.

  • Notify me with updates about projects, tasks and comments: Get notified every time one of your projects or tasks gets updated.

  • A task time is exceeded: if the estimated time set for the task is exceeded.

  • A project time is exceeded: if the estimated time set for the project is exceeded.

  • Disable all in-app notifications: Use this setting to turn all in-app and desktop / browser notifications on and off.

Email Notifications

Email notifications are sent to the email account you used to signup for your TrackingTime account. 

  • Email me on project updates: Get notified via email when someone edits one of the projects you currently belong to.

  • Email me on task updates: Get notified via email when someone edits one of the tasks that you have created or that has been assigned to you.

  • Email me on subtasks updates: Get notified via email when someone edits a subtask associated to one of the tasks that you have created or that has been assigned to you.

  • Email me on comment updates: Get notified via email when someone adds a new comment to a task that you have created or been assigned to.

  • Email me if I forgot a running timer: if a timer is left turned on, after the user's clock out time, you'll be notified.

  • Send me a weekly email report: The weekly reports contain an overview of all your last week’s activities and are automatically sent every Monday to account administrators, project managers and owners who opt-in.

  • Disable all email notifications: Use this setting to turn all email notifications on and off.

📝 Notifications is a user account level setting, which means, that every user can enable/disable them on Settings, and it will only affect their individual account, not the entire workspace.

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