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Time off

Request and manage your team's time offs and holidays.

Julia Chulman avatar
Written by Julia Chulman
Updated over a week ago

Track your team's attendance by creating different time off types they could request on their ends, and holidays you can make visible for them as well.


The Time off section is divided into 2 areas:

  1. Sidebar: Choose to visualize your team's time off requests, types, or holidays.

  2. Main pane: The option you select from the sidebar will be displayed here.

    • Requests: Submit a new time off request by filling out the form, and visualize your team's requested time offs in a graphic form.

    • Types: Add new time off types and indicate whether they need approval or not.

    • Holidays: Import public holidays for your country, or add them manually and assign them to specific team members.

Enable Time off

Roles: Admin | Paid Feature

Install the add-on by following these steps:

  1. Click on Attendance.

  2. Switch on the add-on to enable it natively in TrackingTime, or sync with BambooHR or Factorial.

⚠️ Only account administrators can turn on the Time off add-on.

Time off types

Roles: Admin | Paid Feature

Create a list of types your team could choose from when requesting a time off, such as sick leave, maternity leave or vacation.

Add a new time off type by following these steps:

  1. Click on Types.

  2. Click on the "+type" button.

  3. Enter a name.

  4. Optional: Write some notes to explain when to use this time off type.

  5. Optional: Switch on the "requires approval" option if you want to have the chance to approve or reject time off requests of this type.

  6. Press Create to save it.

Request a Time off

Roles: All | Paid Feature

Submit your time off requests to notify your admin and ask for their approval when needed.

Request a time off by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Hours section.

  2. Click on Time off > Requests.

  3. Select the time off type from the dropdown list.

  4. Select a time period for your time off request.

  5. Optional: Switch off the "All-day" option to select the start and end hours, when you don't need the entire day off.

  6. Optional: Write some notes describing why you're requesting this time off.

  7. Press Create to save it.

⚠️ Requests from users with an admin role are automatically approved!

Review a time off request

Roles: Admin | Paid Feature

Admins will receive an email notification when a user with a Co-worker or Project Manager role requests time off.

Review a time off by following these steps:

  1. Click on Requests.

  2. Click on the time off request that is pending approval.

  3. Press Approve or Reject, depending on your choice.

⚠️ Only account administrators can review/approve time off requests.

Analyze your team's time off

Roles: Admin | Paid Feature

Get detailed information on your employee's time off requests and approved days off, using the account activity panel, from the Time off section.

This graphic below will show you, in different colours, approved, pending and rejected time offs and holidays. You'll also see total amount of requests for each employee, helpful for knowing how many holidays and time off days they have left!

💡 Hover your mouse over a chart line to display more details.

⚠️ When switching to the Users view, the graphic will show you a line and colour for every user in your team, who has requested a time off, in the selected month.

Export a report of your employee's time off

Roles: Admin | Paid Feature

Download a CSV or XLSX file with all of your team's requested time off, for the selected month.

How to download a time off report:

  1. Click on Requests.

  2. Click on Export and select the type of file you'd like to download.

Add Holidays

Roles: Admin | Paid Feature

Create a list of holidays to be applied to your teams' schedule, or import them automatically for your country.

Import Holidays

Import a list of holidays by following these steps:

  1. Click on Holidays.

  2. Click on the "Import" button.

  3. Select a country.

  4. Select a year.

  5. Choose the holidays you want to add by clicking on their checkboxes.

  6. Press Add to save the selection.

Add Holidays manually

Add custom holidays by following these steps:

  1. Click on Holidays.

  2. Click on the "+Holiday" button.

  3. Write the name of the holiday.

  4. Choose the date for this holiday.

  5. Optional: Search for the people this holiday will be available for (or let it apply to everyone by default).

  6. Optional: Write some notes to describe your custom holiday.

  7. Press Create to save it.

⚠️ Archiving a holiday is currently not supported.

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