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How the free trial works

What happens after creating your TrackingTime account.

Carla avatar
Written by Carla
Updated over 5 months ago

How does the free trial work?

When you sign up for a free TrackingTime account, you get instant access to all premium features in our PRO plans for 14 days – no credit card required, no strings attached.

When does my free trial expire?

If you want to know how many days you have left on your trial, you will find out by clicking on your avatar, in the top right corner of your TrackingTime page.

What happens when the free trial ends?

When your free trial ends, a pop-up will appear, and it will give you the option to choose a plan. You could either select a "free" plan with limited features, or subscribe to one of our paid plans and have other features included.

Since most of our reports are not included on the Free plan, if your trial has expired and you chose to downgrade to free, you won't be able to pull other report than Timesheets.

There, you'll be able to create reports with information from until 2 months in the past.

But don't worry, we do not delete any account data. You can upgrade to PRO whenever, and you will then be able to access all of your old account information, including reports.

You can compare all of our plans here.

⚠️ If you cannot visualize your time or project data after downgrading, it might be that you have multiple workspaces and are looking in the wrong one. You may refer to this article to learn more about working in different workspaces.

Can I extend my free trial?

Our free trial period lasts 2 weeks. However, if your trial expired and you need more time to explore TrackingTime, we can help you out!

Get in touch with us, to request a trial extension.

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